Providing information at your fingertips, our web-based inventory management system allows us to effectively manage your inventory.
AJW offers both bulk storage options for high volume quantities and also offersrack storage for lower volume product. From 1 pallet to 1000 we canaccommodate your every need.
Looking to outsource inventory management and logistics? AJW’s efficient teamcan facilitate with all aspects of 3PL requirements and offer real time solutions tomaximize your supply chain. Our careful team can help with any type of pick andpack services ensuring accurate and consistent delivery.
Winnipeg’s location is ideal to consolidate freight given its centralized location.Let us help you transfer product safely and efficiently with our highly experiencedwarehousing team.
Need to get product offloaded containers? AJW can facilitate with any type offreight whether containers are floorloaded or palletized. If product needs to berepalletized, no problem. Our careful team can help with product getting it readyfor shipping or being put into warehouse inventory.
Our 10 dock doors ensures products are quickly and efficiently handled. Our facilityalso offers grade level unloading should product be arriving on flat deck trailers.
AJW follows HACCP principles in both warehousing and logistics . AJW is extremelydiligent in following these guidelines and realizing their importance to our customers.
At AJW we understand the importance of shipping goods according to customerrequirements. Whether it is FIFO (first in first out) or FEFO (first expired, first out) we work tirelessly to ensure correct lot numbers are shipped every-time.
AJW prides itself in quick product turnaround , answering questions efficiently keepingour customers apprised of any situation and ensuring no question is left unanswered.
AJW understands the importance of inventory management and having accurate counts of goods stored. Our web based inventory management system allows customers to log in and get real time information on your products in our warehouse.
Looking to lock in a contract no problem. Looking for short term low volume storage, noproblem. We will accommodate your every need or requirement.